Marcia Rojas nacida en la ciudad de San Pedro Sula, en un hogar cristiano compuesto por Jorge Rojas (QDDG) y Eva Borjas, es la tercera hija de 6 hermanos.
¿Quién soy?

Finding the purpose
God's ways are mysterious.
Ecclesiastes 11: 5
When came time to go to college, my father told me, "Daughter at this time can not continue in college because the company will not working, but I want to tell you that the most valuable title that can bring me one that says : Servant of the Most High ". Those words of my father challenged me and tested my faith; and at the same time they encouraged me to fight for that dream and above all to value the title of daughter of God.
I started studying a degree in Marketing, but I was not sure what I wanted, I chose it because my older sister had studied it, and because I was under pressure to start my higher studies now.
During that pause in my life, which was almost three years of not attending a university, I studied music, I learned to play the piano, I dedicated myself fully to serving in the Church, working with children, young people and above all to have a relationship closer to the Lord.
One day while reading the word of God, I was inspired to make a book with clippings of how I visualized my life. Along with those clippings I placed a verse from the Bible to strengthen my faith; And every time I felt discouraged or looked at that goal very far, I took it and contemplated a future full of hope for my life, that encouraged me to keep going.
At that time I matured as a person, developed my character, I learned to serve others and above all I learned to depend on God; I lived every detail like a miracle, every opportunity, no matter how small, for me was a huge blessing; because when we have the Lord in our hearts this word is fulfilled: " But the one with a happy heart has a continuous banquet." Proverbs 15:15
In the exercise of my ministry I found my vocation "My call to be in life", and I realized that the career I was studying was not part of the purpose; I told my dad one day that he did not want to study Marketing, I wanted to move to a Psychology degree with an emphasis on the clinical area, he smiled and said to me: "Marcia, the Lord does not occupy Marketing, occupy that through your mouth, He speaks to others, He occupies "Samaritans" to heal and heal ", and I continue saying:" He will make your words be like pills of healing to wounded souls ”; wou that launch gave me the total conviction that I was on the right path, at a time when psychology was seen as the enemy of the Gospel, my father endorsed that science is only to prove faith and prove the need for God in the human heart.
When everything was ready, God opened the door to start my studies and since then I have not stopped, each one of those opportunities has been the hand of God, I have seen Him in other people; so don't despair because of the waiting times, these breaks are necessary to correct our ways, correct our decisions, mature, to draw closer to God and move to our Purpose.
I have a testimony when I win my scholarship to study in Israel, I have another testimony when I study my master's degree, but still I could not tell you everything this time, but be sure that God is faithful, and if you believe him; He makes the impossible possible; His word says: "I am the Lord, the God of all living beings. There is nothing impossible for me." Jeremiah 32:27
Once in my bed to sleep, I said to the Lord: "Today I do not have the strength to pray, I am very sleepy, but you know that in my heart I long to hear your voice"; and at that moment the Lord allowed me to have a vision while sleeping; In the vision I saw a study center and I heard a voice that said to me: "Here I will prepare you" ... and so some images of different places, landscapes and seasons passed, everything was like a trip to the future. Hallelujah!
One day my older sister said to me: "Marcia, I'm going to pay you for college," and I was very happy and said, "Yes, really," Thank you! And God took care of the rest, each book, each trip, each expense, God was perfected in my faith.
Already in the correct career, after about almost three years, I felt somewhat strange in the chairs of that university, sometimes I looked like some of my classmates or friends did not want to enter classes, but I, if I value what it is to receive the bread of knowledge, each class savored it, each book I devoured, each day I lived with passion because I was living my purpose and that gave me a "why" to get up each morning with a passion for life and that is priceless, and That is what you achieve by believing and obeying God , by being in the right place, at the right time.
Within months of walking through that university, I suddenly stopped in a hallway and said, "I've been here before," everything I saw, people walking down the hall, the information board on the wall; and I remembered the vision; God had already taken me there, everything was so familiar to me; because what you don't know is that things are created twice, when you dream it and when you live it.
If I had not learned to wait on God, I would not be the person I am today; already processed and formed, in addition, it would have taken the wrong direction, it would be one more that gets up frustrated to do a job that she does not like and endures because she has accounts payable; You must know that your profession is an extension of your ministry, and that is what I do in this career in mental and emotional health, bringing life to what is dry, direction to what is lost and hope to the one who has lost it, but above all to strengthen faith and give them assurance of the return of Christ; And the wonderful thing about this is that I don't have to wait the weekend to do it and be happy living in my purpose.
I always saw myself through the eyes of faith, and I looked up, in very high places living my purpose! And now through this testimony, I invite you to live your dreams, to fight and create hope against hope, as Abraham the father of faith did, to see yourself with the eyes of faith and discover your purpose in life.
Indeed, David, after serving his own generation according to God's purpose, died, was buried with his ancestors, and his body suffered corruption. Acts 13:16
Faith is the confidence that what we expect will actually happen; it is what gives us the certainty of things that we cannot see. Hebrews 11: 1